Chasing Epic: Hannah Miller

In Miles by Laura OrenLeave a Comment

Hannah Miller has trained for various races over the years. But, like many athletes, maintaining consistency has always been one of her biggest challenges. Instead of being derailed by inconsistency, Hannah chose to label it as her tough thing. For an entire year, she’d chase down an epic story by challenging herself to run 120 miles per month for an entire year. We recently caught up with Hannah to ask her a few questions about her journey.

Q: How did you first hear about Venture?

In 2018, I was listening to a sermon series from my church here in CA, and this guy, Paul Hurckman, was the guest pastor and talked about a rad organization that integrates endurance sports with raising funds to provide meals, education, and stability to marginalized communities in SE Asia. I thought, “Yep I want in,” and I signed up for a tour later that day.

Q: What was it that compelled you to do something about injustice?

There isn’t a compelling reason not to.

Q: How did you come up with the idea to run 120 miles per month?

Like many of my ideas, it happened while running. I was thinking through what my “tough thing” was, and in remembering the past few years of running it occurred to me that consistency was my achilles heel. No matter what I was training for, my dedication was all over the place. It also was on my heart about how those that Venture supports need help year round, and their problems don’t just go away after one big fundraising push. I thought I could do a year of consistent running and fundraising in solidarity with their continued challenges. Actually, to be honest, the solidarity part might not exactly have been my thoughts at the time, but it’s been about 10 months into this challenge and that’s what I think about most during my runs. I don’t know if anyone else can relate, but sometimes I move forward with ideas before fully realizing what it’s all about OR I think at the start it’s about one thing but learn something completely different during the process.

“…sometimes I move forward with ideas before fully realizing what it’s all about OR I think at the start it’s about one thing but learn something completely different during the process.”

Hannah Miller

Q: How did it go?

I’m coming into the final stretch, and it has been quite the journey. I often think of Proverbs 19:21 that says, “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” So, I run my miles, send out my support letters, and trust God to use all of it for His glory. In that sense, it is going exactly how it is supposed to go.

Q: What’s next?

*Long exhale* I’m not sure, but I am easily influenced by the power of suggestion! So, if anyone has an idea, I’d probably be on board.

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