
We are intentional about implementing a church planting/discipleship strategy into every program and region we serve.
We are intentional about implementing a church planting/discipleship strategy into every program and region we serve.
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Partnering with local leaders, we are sharing the Gospel, baptizing and planting churches amongst unreached people groups. At the core of everything we do, are two driving principles:

  • We are as passionate about the unequal distribution of the Gospel as we are the unequal distribution of food, safety, and opportunity.
  • We copy Jesus.

We see Jesus healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, and feeding the hungry. And we see Jesus proclaiming this New Kingdom, and inviting all to be participants in this Kingdom. Through Jesus, we all have access. This is why we are passionate about bringing Justice to the Unreached.

We include discipleship in everything we do: from the education curriculum that we teach, to the Christian counseling we offer to kids who have been freed from harm, to training and equipping pastors, to church planting strategies. We are not faith-based, we are faith-driven.

Program Highlight:
Read about the inspiring courage Mali had after graduating from Bible college.